Tuesday 7 February 2012

Researching Professional Example Sequence:

Above is an example of the opening two-minute sequence from the film, Se7en. The purpose of observing this clip was to gain ideas for our own opening two-minute sequence. Also to enhance our own knowledge.

We took note of distinct aspects from this sequence that we thought would 'fit the bill' for our sequence. In addition, the group as a whole agreed for this two-minute sequence to be our aspirational succession. 

Saturday 4 February 2012

Completed Survey:

This time around the group and I had to produce a questionnaire/survey regarding our opening two-minute scene. The purpose of this was to gain important feedback from individuals and their views on the thriller genre (our group's chosen genre). In addition, we believe this will give us, as a whole, a lot more guidance towards producing the two-minute entry - as we can observe what elements the audience prefers/likes about thriller films.

http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7PGRGVV - here is the link to our group's completed survey.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Editing Footage and Beginning Survey:

This lesson, two of our group members, including me, began to edit the filming that we produced throughout last week on the Apple Mac - whereas the other two group members started to produce the questionnaire for our principal opening two-minute film entry.

However, me and another group member were briefly given an overview of how to edit our footage via the Apple Mac - once the explanation had finished, we began to get the hang of it and accomplished a pretty decent job editing the material. On the other hand, we wanted to include some CGI within our footage, just to make it that little bit special - and we started to experiment with certain aspects and features that the Apple Mac provided... It was harder then we thought!

Finally, our other two members of our group made steady progress on producing the questionnaire - as they had to create 10 distinctive questions which were significant for our two-minute entry.