Monday 30 April 2012

Costume and Prop Ideas:

Because our film was loosely based on Se7en, we wanted to imitate the mysteriousness and secretive physiognomy their opening two minutes possessed. Therefore, we wanted our protagonist to be very concealed. Our protagonist would be wearing a lab-coat, which we thought would be suitable because science professors are stereotypically shadowy and peculiar. We also decided for our character to wear a hat, similar to the one Jack the Ripper was rumoured to wear, because I thought that our character would express that distinctive mysteriousness.

We determined that props would be a significant part to our opening two minute sequence. We would use unconventional props and items to give our film that unique twist. Items such as a: clamp, knife, sander, drill we all that we considered would suite our sequence wholly.

Locations for our Film:

Our group made a joint decision that we needed a location that would correctly fit the mood and genre of our film. Because our sequences would have similar clips from the film Se7en, we determined that we needed a dark and enclosed area to successfully achieve this aim.

The four of us thought of ideas, however eventually, we decided to use the resistant materials lab. The labs where absolutely what we were looking for: dark, enclosed, dusty and included work-units, which were ideal.

On the other hand, we also decided to film parts of the sequence outside. We decided this because we agreed on including flashbacks to the protagonist's past life.

Sunday 1 April 2012


For our group's filming we decided the most efficient environment to film was in a dark place. We also needed worktops and surfaces to make the zone appear more eerie and dank - of course to fit into the Thriller aspect. Also, we believe that work surfaces would assimilate perfectly to match our desire to duplicate the film, Se7en.

Film Indent:

Above is our group's creation for our film's indent. For this to be completed, we used a programme called 'after affects' which allows us to enhance and improve clips and images, or, create them. We wanted to create an indent that was unique and superior to others, so that it would protrude - as well as keeping it as original as possible. For this to be accomplished, we recorded each other's faces tilting upwards and placed them with the correct letters of their/our names.

I personally believed this was a fantastic idea to improve our sequence and brand a more proficient approach.

Preliminary Project:

Above is our group's Preliminary Project. The purpose of this scheme was to express our skills and expertise as a whole. Within this project we had to include: the 180 degree rule, shot-reverse-shot and match-on-action. We experienced match-on-action as the simplest of the three too shoot, however it was a complex outline to accomplish. Furthermore, together as a group, we believe that we completed a very professional and smooth project - despite it being an unprecedented group.

We hope that we can keep this steady, yet  successful progress in the future for the benefit of our Media Studies.