Monday 7 May 2012

Survey Results:

Shown above are our group's survey results. These results determined our mind-set on particular ideas, whether we were to include or exclude people's point of view.
1) 10 people stated that they like thrillers, which was a huge boost to our confidence and gave us that incentive to move up a step.

2) Only 1 person stated that they watch thrillers weekly, however 30% said monthly and 60% said when only there is a new release in the cinema.

3) 1 person rated thriller movies at 6/10, 3 people rated them as 7/10, 4 rated 8/10, whereas there was a split between 9/10 and 10/10 with just one vote each.

4) 'mysterious places', 'woods', 'government building', 'dark/deserted places' and 'old run-down buildings' where separate answers from individual people after being asked where their favourite thriller location is held.

5) When asked 'what is your favourite type of thriller' a massive 50% of people answered a 'psychological thriller', however 3 people answered a 'crime thriller', 1 chose 'techno thriller' and 1 answered 'disaster thriller'.

6) When asked 'which do you prefer' out of 'thrillers which conclude' and 'thrillers which leave the ending unknown' there was a 50% split between the two.


Here is our groups completed screenplay. Evidently, you can see that we professionally plotted our plans and successfully produced what we had intended.

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Our group needed to examine our storyboard. We took photos of the individual clips on the storyboard in the order of which we desired. Once we completed that, we needed to upload them onto the Apple iMac and create an animatic, as seen above.


Our group and I wanted to make sure that we chose soundtracks that matched the mood we were trying to express within our two minute sequence. We needed to take into account that hold elements of the thriller genre, as well as trying to emulate a sense of mystery throughout.

We used a website called 'Incompetech' and chose two soundtracks that we thought fit perfectly. Courtesy of Kevin MacLeod for providing.

Text Tutorial:

We needed to make sure that we included text within our opening two minute sequence. The group and I used 'Text Tutorials' to help us with this creating our desired effect, as well as matching our genre. For this to be completed correctly, we used a program called 'After Effects' and then chose the effect called Light Sweep.

I believe the positives from this was they the group as a whole managed to choose the right font which matched the sense of mystery that we were looking for; we wanted to make it unique, as well as having a fair-ground feel to it.

The only negative I believe we came across was that the Light Sweep effect made the text disappear off the screen too quickly, meaning the audience were unable to read what was there. However we managed to fix this.

Monday 30 April 2012

Costume and Prop Ideas:

Because our film was loosely based on Se7en, we wanted to imitate the mysteriousness and secretive physiognomy their opening two minutes possessed. Therefore, we wanted our protagonist to be very concealed. Our protagonist would be wearing a lab-coat, which we thought would be suitable because science professors are stereotypically shadowy and peculiar. We also decided for our character to wear a hat, similar to the one Jack the Ripper was rumoured to wear, because I thought that our character would express that distinctive mysteriousness.

We determined that props would be a significant part to our opening two minute sequence. We would use unconventional props and items to give our film that unique twist. Items such as a: clamp, knife, sander, drill we all that we considered would suite our sequence wholly.

Locations for our Film:

Our group made a joint decision that we needed a location that would correctly fit the mood and genre of our film. Because our sequences would have similar clips from the film Se7en, we determined that we needed a dark and enclosed area to successfully achieve this aim.

The four of us thought of ideas, however eventually, we decided to use the resistant materials lab. The labs where absolutely what we were looking for: dark, enclosed, dusty and included work-units, which were ideal.

On the other hand, we also decided to film parts of the sequence outside. We decided this because we agreed on including flashbacks to the protagonist's past life.