Monday 7 May 2012

Survey Results:

Shown above are our group's survey results. These results determined our mind-set on particular ideas, whether we were to include or exclude people's point of view.
1) 10 people stated that they like thrillers, which was a huge boost to our confidence and gave us that incentive to move up a step.

2) Only 1 person stated that they watch thrillers weekly, however 30% said monthly and 60% said when only there is a new release in the cinema.

3) 1 person rated thriller movies at 6/10, 3 people rated them as 7/10, 4 rated 8/10, whereas there was a split between 9/10 and 10/10 with just one vote each.

4) 'mysterious places', 'woods', 'government building', 'dark/deserted places' and 'old run-down buildings' where separate answers from individual people after being asked where their favourite thriller location is held.

5) When asked 'what is your favourite type of thriller' a massive 50% of people answered a 'psychological thriller', however 3 people answered a 'crime thriller', 1 chose 'techno thriller' and 1 answered 'disaster thriller'.

6) When asked 'which do you prefer' out of 'thrillers which conclude' and 'thrillers which leave the ending unknown' there was a 50% split between the two.

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