Monday, 30 January 2012

Gratifications Theory, Reception Analysis, Open and Closed Meaning:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Gratifications Theory:
On the left, you can see a diagram of Gratifications Theory. This is an approach to understanding why people actively seek out specific media outlets and content for fulfilment purposes. The theory will not only meets a given necessity, but increase intelligence, social physics and diversion. Moreover, the physiological division is the most important; the things of which the us as humans need the most - then safety comes second, love/belonging third, esteem fourth and then actualization last.

Stuart Hall.

Reception Analysis - Dominant, Hegemonic:

On the left hand side is Stuart Hall. Stuart Hall detailed that  texts have preferred meanings, however the decoder will not always fully understand or read them as the intended idea by the producer - and this is because everybody has different social and cultural backgrounds. On the other hand, texts that are meant to correspond hegemony will be encoded so that they are simply deciphered and understood by a figure audience. 

Umberto Eco.

Open and Closed Meaning - Encoder, Decoder:
On the left hand side is Umberto Eco. Umberto Eco said that texts aimed at a big audience will be encoded so that the majority of the audience can only decode a preferred of significant meaning - this is known as a closed text. On the other hand, open texts are something of many meanings, or is purposely ambiguous, which can only be understood in different ways by a numerous of different audience significances.

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